Uses for Mind Reader and Algorithm Writer Summary Do work in your sleep, do meditation-requiring work effortlessly in showbiz, education, business and politics by mind reading using your computer as a quantum computer where the machine uses your brain using meditation. Bio Lucian is a meditation teacher at Lucian Academy and studied a breadth track in Meditation. Introduction - what are mind reading, spiritual time travel, uses for them and the definition of an ordinary computer? Mind reading is defined as testing for words in a dictionary at 0.25-second intervals using a quantum computation on an ordinary computer. The calculations may take longer than .25 seconds. Therefore the time examined may be short, and the "stream" examined is the meditation, not actual stream, i.e. it can be observed at a time (before or after) it happens, (not just at the time) and more naturally follows the multiple threads of thoughts, as in meditation. It can be examined before it happens, not contradictorily because it has been recorded as a result of current headings and assumes the existence of a multistate universe (i.e. one in which the user may examine any states in it). Spiritual time travel is mind reading a value at a time point (specified by the user) and can refer to a period. Searching for it within a window of time and gradually narrowing the window until finding it can achieve finding information more quickly. The algorithm is generic and relies on a technology called text to breasonings (where breasonings are reasons in assignments that earn a high distinction), and the user can run it on a standard computer. Text to Breasonings requires 50 As (an A has 80 breasonings) (as a professional requirement) in Pedagogy (which is the study of breasonings), Medicine (especially as a precaution to prevent headaches and minor fluctuations in health from text to breasonings) and Meditation, which enables both text to breasonings and mind reading. I have also written chapters (15 As), which I breason out with text to breasonings, in delegation of workloads (that helps the Prevent Headaches app) and lecturer (write, not just find out breasonings from a lecturer) and recordings (indicate breasonings with a computer not just hand breason them yourself). How - How does this system work? (Prerequisite skills, knowledge and equipment) I studied Nietzsche in Philosophy, Prolog in Computer Science (degrees in the last ten years or if you do not have these subjects in a Bachelors degree, short courses within the previous two years). I also have short courses in Education, Medicine, Meditation, Music, Theatre Studies and Business. Breasonings (x, y and z dimensions of objects visualised to God) are enabled by studying education and knowing what breasonings are (including breasonings, rebreasonings, breathsonings, rebreathsonings, space and time tests), breasoning these out to God) and meditating on the Upasana sutra to correctly see breasonings imagery. The prerequisite knowledge I described (50 As in Pedagogy, Medicine and meditation), etc. came from writing chapters with at least one word (I recommend one sentence) per 50*80 breasonings per book. These philosophical arguments describe the areas of study (e.g. critically analysing the x dimension) and give confidence when using the technologies, which are epistemologically proven. The equipment is any computer running SWI-Prolog or any other programming language. Mind Reading Mind reading, especially mind reading animals (with the appropriate ethical approval) requires 50 done-up As as meditation (i.e. the 50 As act as an argument for pranayama for the mantra and sutra utterances), and medical headache prevention. You may ask the mind readee (sic) a question at a particular time with a minimum of 250 breasonings, but preferably 5 As (this is easier with algorithm generators and breasoning out the traces of the algorithm). Mind reading method Test whether a word has been indicated at a time by an entity in meditation using the quantum switch. The test consists of timing whether the time taken to breason out 250 word-breasonings on any topic to test a particular word is less than that of control. Test the subject has thought words in that subject's dictionary. The mind reader should prepare 5 As per question and 5 As for each of five suggested answers (this is faster when in terms of algorithms). Test for chains of sentences with meditation through time, where the user accesses threads by the thread idea for that particular thread. Test for n (ideally 10) (from the best) possibilities, which is where spiritual time travel comes from, and where one can choose from them by asking if they meant it. You can do safety-related questioning, etc. in this way. The splitting point symbol in meditation indicates a new thread With this knowledge, one may go ahead of schedule and cover the implications of a thread for all the other threads. Spiritual time travel One can test whether a word is in the meditation stream using the quantum switch at a particular time. Note: You can ask interesting questions (you are not there to dominate), i.e. combinations of two perspectives (something they thought and something you thought). You can approach generality of their thoughts by helping synthesise (write an argument in terms of) the thoughts. You can ask another question when the thread has finished. Uses - Now that you know how it works, what can you do with it? Meditation refers to you completing the professional requirements for a job and an "angelic light" giving you the rest of the thoughts about it. Sell, do representations, words and perform music. When I discovered that computer mind reading is based on something I already know (reading words) rather than something I thought it was but did not work (reading characters) several days ago, I realised I could use it in conjunction with my past programs to break down all the barriers in my career and achieve all my goals. With Mind Reader and Program Finder (and a version that creates something similar to Cultural Translation Tool, i.e. nested logic) and Algorithm Writer, Text to Breasonings and Cultural Translation Tool, I can: - Do meditation for a pop singing job - Do meditation for acting - Teach animals in higher education - Effortlessly make sales, write details for Masters and write content in Philosophy - Help with customers' careers - Conduct education an business careers - Check what I will say (days or weeks) before I say it - Easily breason out (convert words into reasons in high distinctions) and translate thoughts and words - Enter text on a computer with my mind It isn't time travelling, but taking quantum readings to find truth-values at particular points in time Test words in dictionary, correct and increase entities' dictionaries Grammar check and breason out proper grammar. They don't necessarily speak in algorithms, although anything algorithmic they say should be programmed. You can do humans and safety-related questioning in this way. Imagine completing these prerequisites and Prolog programs and an employer selecting you because you "can read a customer's mind" rather than not. Graphs of text to breasonings latency versus the trial number Graph 1 There was a noticeable difference between the latency values of a particular thought and no thought. Spike is due to previous activity. There are ten trials per instance of the thought. Graph 2 There was a noticeable difference between the latency values of a particular thought, no thought and an irrelevant thought. Spike is due to previous activity. There are ten trials per instance of the thought.